Let me tell you about me:
There are 2 things that stop me on my tracks. Dogs and Flowers, can’t help it. Dogs make me smile when I see them with those puppy eyes and wagging tails; and beautiful flowers make me want to break my paint tubes all the time. I take photos like crazy on my vacations and even when I go to the bank or do an errand. Nature and animals just brighten my day and I feel we need more of it in our daily lives.I love colorful and creative things around my house so my goal is to design and make myself things I can decorate my own house and yours too.I switch between calming and elegant pastels and feminine classical flowery stuff to whimsical designs with animals so you will be seeing that here and specially in my Redbubble store where I sell my art on home decor and clothing you can wear. I lived in Florida from 1979 until just recently end of 2019; had to move to Georgia where the rest of my family lives. Had to have 2 knee surgeries I am still waiting to go thru the 2nd and until then I am enjoying the wonderful southern charm of Georgia. I am planning to go back to Florida in a year or so since blue skies and bright flowers are a must for me and if you live up north I want to bring that Sunshine burst of color into your life.
I was born in South America to Euro-Asian parents so my childhood was quite interesting in an international kind of way. A bit of everything while I was growing up. My parents were both accountants to make a living but believed in letting me be my artistic self at all times.
I started painting when I was 9 haven’t stop since. I use different paints I now prefer acrylics and gouache than oil and I am in love with digital painting.There is so much I want to do and play with and I hope you want to join me on my artistic journey and hope also you will sprinkle your home and life with some of my paint and pixel designs I will be turning into fun decor and for you to wear.
Love life, is never too late to do what you wanted to do; be like Nike “Just Do it”.Have Fun, dust yourself if you fall and get up and start walking, running or jumping but LIVE. Show your furry love, your passions and what you believe in.
Saying Hi and Bye, Ana LLaurado/Artist and dreamer.